Feeling dissatisfied with your wardrobe? Take a deep breath and look again. It does not make sense to throw away your entire wardrobe just because you feel that they are all dull and dreary. Call your friends over and discuss a few practical and popular diy ideas that might help you to make use of your old clothes once again.
Spicing up your old and dreary jeans or a plain headband by embellishing it with a few clever additions will actually make you the talk of the town. There is no heavy expense involved and you will find most of the things that you need within the confines of your own home. Going out to the local store is no hardship either. A few sequins, beads, zippers, and lace are all that you need and you will find them with ease. You can also take out the buttons from a discarded shirt or button down overalls and twist an obscure piece of wire into an interesting shape, which can then convert a relatively plain bag into a chic one.
You can also choose to go overboard of course. A little razzmatazz never hurt anyone. On the contrary, you will find all eyes on you at social gatherings when you have the conviction to carry the unconventional fashionable clothes. Pearls, 3D lace and glass mirrors will certainly not make you look like a gypsy. Just be sure to pair a plain top with a DIY bejeweled skirt, which you have so painstakingly made with your own hands.
Jewelry made with bits and pieces of wool, terracotta or broken plastic can also help you to keep up with the times. Think Chanel, Gucci, and Cartier while you make use of simple, inexpensive materials. This is another form of plain living and high thinking which you can keep in mind as you consider the popular diy ideas to enhance your wardrobe.
Twisted headbands look smart
Headband TutorialPom Poms make great necklaces
Necklace TutorialBeautiful bows for the hair
Shining CD collar
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wrap braceletStriped Nails unleashed
tutorialBrilliant Back Style
Copycat Moschino Jacket
Wild and Wonderful Shorts
DIY Black Enlivened Shoes
tutorialFrom Shirt to Skirt
Oversized Cropped Tank or Vest DIY
Wear your heart on your sleeve
Pose in Drapes
Work Shirt for Summer
sourceSparkling Denim Collar
Chic Pearls on Collar