In-depth review of popular ways used to tackle hair loss

Suffering from hair loss can lead you down a long road looking for potential causes and treatments, but it can be hard to know where to begin?  There are many different routes you can follow in search of treatment, ranging from natural methods to more medical solutions.

On the average, the human head has about 100,000 hair follicles and most people lose about 50 to 100 strands a day.  Hair loss is defined as when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of re-growth.    It can also occur when new hair is thinner than the hair shed or when the hair falls out in patches.

When determining a plan of treatment, you may want to consider looking at what the cause is of the hair loss. Most hair loss is a result of heredity and can be inherited on the mother or father’s side.  It can also be caused by stress to the body.  These types of stressors include going through a major life change such as a surgery or illness, changes in medication or childbirth.  Blood tests can used to determine if something internal is at play such as a thyroid issue which can cause a hormone imbalance and can result in hair loss.

Underlying Scalp Conditions such as a fungus or dandruff can be culprits and can be diagnosed by a doctor.  Usually an anti-fungal or anti-dandruff shampoo will be prescribed to treat the scalp.  A condition called Alopecia, which is a skin disease can also be the cause hair loss.  Treatment usually involves injections of corticosteroids and medications that irritate the scalp and cause hair growth to restart.

There are many different reasons for hair loss, but once the cause is determined, you can focus on the different routes you can take to try to resolve it.  They range from simple diet changes, to spa and laser treatments to prescription and non-prescription medicines.   Lastly, the most drastic of all of the options is surgical implants placed directly into the scalp.

Diet and Nutrition

The first approach to consider is changing your diet.  Many hair products boast having all the ingredients your hair needs however scalp and hair healthy nutrients are more powerful when they are consumed versus being applied via a topical product.  By simply changing your diet to consuming foods that are nutrient and protein dense and rich, you can help to give your hair health and shine and prevent loss.

A good place to start is with Omega 3 fatty acids found in foods such as salmon and flaxseed. Sebum is the oil produced by your hair follicles and your hair’s natural conditioner.  Dark green vegetables such as spinach and kale are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which are producers of sebum. Selenium, which is an important mineral for a healthy scalp can be found in Brazil nuts.

Protein is also important to strengthen hair and promote growth.   Powerful sources of protein such as chicken and eggs help to boost hairs radiance and shine.  The recommended daily amount is about two to three 3-ounce servings of meat or a combination of four to five servings of dairy and beans.

As they say, you are what you eat!  This method does not guarantee results but certainly cannot hurt since it is a switch to a more healthful way of eating and is a relatively inexpensive treatment to pursue.

Spa Treatments

If you are based in Singapore, many centers offer prescription created by physicians that use Premium-Grade Chinese herbs.  Other centers offer treatments that start with a scalp diagnosis, then begin treatment using a hair mask which contains natural ingredients hence it’s able to purify and detoxify unhealthy hair follicles and nourish the hair cells.  The mask is followed by the application of various serums designed to target specific hair concerns along with a scalp massage which acts to improve blood circulation for hair growth.  The last step is infra-therapy, which applies infra-heat via a small heat lamp directly to the scalp so that it kills the bacteria and again, boosts blood circulation.  It also claims to stimulate collagen production.

Laser Hair Rejuvenation is clinically and scientifically proven to produce thicker, fuller hair.  The methodology involves stopping hair loss while stimulating hair growth through stimulating cellular metabolism and regenerating tissue.

Hair Loss Treatment Centers

Singapore is home to top hair treatment centers that focus on restoring hair via cleansing products, prescribed medications, natural supplements, and therapeutic treatments along with permanent treatments such single follicle hair transferring where single follicles of hair are taken from the back and sides of your head and relocated to where balding is occurring.

Hair transplantation is usually not the first treatment option to pursue, but when other methods do not produce desired results, this can be the best option.  Using only local anesthesia, donor hair follicles from hair-loss resistant areas of the scalp (back and sides) are removed and implanted on the desired parts of the scalp to restore a natural-looking hairline. There are even FDA-approved Robotic Systems for hair restoration.



Two very popular medications for hair loss are Propecia and Minosxidil.

Propecia is a very popular hair loss medication that comes in the form of a pill and helps to block hormones that cause the shrinkage of hair follicles.  The effects can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months to be noticeable, and its most effective on the crown of the head, not the frontal hairline.

Minoxidil (generic name) or also known as Rogaine is a topical scalp cream that can be used without a prescription and stops the hair from getting thinner.  This is done by enlarging the hair follicles, which in turn stimulates hair growth.  It can take over 12 weeks before any regrowth appears so it takes some time to see if it’s working. Unfortunately, scalp irritation is a common side effect.

In all cases, you want to weigh all of your options before deciding what will work best for you and your needs.